[emf-dev] Status of EMF Query
Max Mustermann
2018-07-02 11:04:17 UTC
Hi all,

I am interested in EMF Query and I wonder what is the status of this
project. Its project website says that it has been merged into EMF
Services. The EMF Services website says that it is deprecated without
any further information about its (recommended) replacement. My
questions are:

Is EMF Query project still active/maintained?

What is the (recommended) replacement of EMF Query?

Ábel Hegedüs
2018-07-02 12:21:55 UTC

I think EMF Query is not active and probably only maintained as far as build errors are concerned (see [1]).

If you are looking for an active alternative for declarative queries over EMF, I would suggest you check out Eclipse VIATRA [2]. I would be very happy to provide you with further details if you are interested or you can just write to the Forums [3].

[1] http://git.eclipse.org/c/emf-query/org.eclipse.emf.query.git/log/
[2] https://www.eclipse.org/viatra/
[3] https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/f/147/

Best regards,
Ábel HegedÌs

IncQuery Labs Ltd.
On 2018. 07. 02. 13:04:42, Max Mustermann <***@web.de> wrote:
Hi all,

I am interested in EMF Query and I wonder what is the status of this
project. Its project website says that it has been merged into EMF
Services. The EMF Services website says that it is deprecated without
any further information about its (recommended) replacement. My
questions are:

Is EMF Query project still active/maintained?

What is the (recommended) replacement of EMF Query?

Ed Willink
2018-07-02 14:03:55 UTC

EMF query/transaction/validation are pretty much on life support after
the final IBM committer stepped down. Some Obeo commiters kindly stepped
up to rescue EMFq,EMFt,EMFv from oblivion, merging them as the EMF
Services project. I doubt that there is much enthusiasm to do more than
keep the builds going. If you are interested in contributing, you
probably need to request to become a committer.

wrt EMF Query, I have never understood its purpose. In particular, the
EMFq OCL support seems to just add a level of opacity; it seems much
easier to specify the OCL query directly. I can only assume that the
EMFq support was part of the XML fumbling that motivated the addition
EMF delegates and so facilitated the much more ergonomic OCLinEcore support.

NB. EMFq,EMFt,EMFv are nothing to do with QVT for which QVTo and QVTd
projects are active.


Ed Willink
Post by Ábel Hegedüs
I think EMF Query is not active and probably only maintained as far as
build errors are concerned (see [1]).
If you are looking for an active alternative for declarative queries
over EMF, I would suggest you check out Eclipse VIATRA [2]. I would be
very happy to provide you with further details if you are interested
or you can just write to the Forums [3].
[1] http://git.eclipse.org/c/emf-query/org.eclipse.emf.query.git/log/
[2] https://www.eclipse.org/viatra/
[3] https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/f/147/
Best regards,
Ábel HegedÌs
IncQuery Labs Ltd.
Post by Max Mustermann
Hi all,
I am interested in EMF Query and I wonder what is the status of this
project. Its project website says that it has been merged into EMF
Services. The EMF Services website says that it is deprecated without
any further information about its (recommended) replacement. My
Is EMF Query project still active/maintained?
What is the (recommended) replacement of EMF Query?
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Pierre-Charles David
2018-07-20 10:31:48 UTC
Post by Max Mustermann
Hi all,
I am interested in EMF Query and I wonder what is the status of this
project. Its project website says that it has been merged into EMF
Services. The EMF Services website says that it is deprecated without
any further information about its (recommended) replacement. My
Is EMF Query project still active/maintained?
No. Speaking for myself, I "inherited" the component when it was merged
into EMF Services and I took over the maintenance of that. We (in Sirius
and at Obeo in general) use the Transaction and Validation components,
but have never used Query. Like Ed, I've never really understood its
purpose, it looks more like an empty shell. I don't know of any actual
user of it.

I had actually planned to completely remove it from EMF Services for
Photon, and keep only the Validation and Transaction components alive,
but failed to announce the change before M7, and at that point it seemed
to late to impose such a change.

If you end up adopting EMF Query or are intersted in maintaining it,
please tell me. Otherwise I will probably remove it at some future point.
Post by Max Mustermann
What is the (recommended) replacement of EMF Query?
Ed mentioned OCL, there are several other projects which offer solutions
to querying EMF models. Off the top of my head (but there may be others):
* AQL (https://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/documentation/aql.html): small,
minimal dependencies, designed to be easily embeded and extended. The
syntax and semantic are heavily inspired by OCL, but it diverges from
the standard in several parts where we felt it could improve its usability.
* VIATRA (https://www.eclipse.org/viatra/) provides IncQuery
(https://www.eclipse.org/viatra/query.php), a pattern-matching based DSL
for graph queries as part of its framework.
* Epsilon (https://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/eol/) also has its own
language that they describe as "a mixture of Javascript and OCL".

GERARD Sebastien
2018-07-20 10:37:01 UTC
You can also add EASE to query model using as for example Python or Java Script.


Sébastien Gérard
Reponsible of the R&D program for the Knowledge Enginering Platform
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-----Message d'origine-----
De : emf-dev-***@eclipse.org <emf-dev-***@eclipse.org> De la part de Pierre-Charles David
Envoyé : vendredi 20 juillet 2018 12:32
À : emf-***@eclipse.org
Objet : Re: [emf-dev] Status of EMF Query
Post by Max Mustermann
Hi all,
I am interested in EMF Query and I wonder what is the status of this
project. Its project website says that it has been merged into EMF
Services. The EMF Services website says that it is deprecated without
any further information about its (recommended) replacement. My
Is EMF Query project still active/maintained?
No. Speaking for myself, I "inherited" the component when it was merged into EMF Services and I took over the maintenance of that. We (in Sirius and at Obeo in general) use the Transaction and Validation components, but have never used Query. Like Ed, I've never really understood its purpose, it looks more like an empty shell. I don't know of any actual user of it.

I had actually planned to completely remove it from EMF Services for Photon, and keep only the Validation and Transaction components alive, but failed to announce the change before M7, and at that point it seemed to late to impose such a change.

If you end up adopting EMF Query or are intersted in maintaining it, please tell me. Otherwise I will probably remove it at some future point.
Post by Max Mustermann
What is the (recommended) replacement of EMF Query?
Ed mentioned OCL, there are several other projects which offer solutions to querying EMF models. Off the top of my head (but there may be others):
* AQL (https://www.eclipse.org/acceleo/documentation/aql.html): small, minimal dependencies, designed to be easily embeded and extended. The syntax and semantic are heavily inspired by OCL, but it diverges from the standard in several parts where we felt it could improve its usability.
* VIATRA (https://www.eclipse.org/viatra/) provides IncQuery (https://www.eclipse.org/viatra/query.php), a pattern-matching based DSL for graph queries as part of its framework.
* Epsilon (https://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/eol/) also has its own language that they describe as "a mixture of Javascript and OCL".


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